FridaDigital Edition

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The 5000 fountains of Rome, scattered in the streets, squares, parks, courtyards, are the soul of this project.
Whoever comes to Rome thinks of the Colosseum, a light westerly breeze blowing through the cafes on Via Veneto, the Dolce Vita of the great Fellini, and the embrace of the Pope in St. Peter’s Square.
Rome is also about water with its 5000 fountains. Flowing transparency which enchants out gaze and carries it far away, the sparkling of a thousand silver squirts, the glittering drops that become pearls flying free in the city.
Fountains play a music that is song and prayer, harp and violin. They are the notes of a melody born of eternity, chords that walk together with the mystery of man.
If you are in Rome, check the book “The 5000 fountains of ROME”, to see if you are close to a fountain!
As you've ever seen…
This is an visual work, cultural value of the suggestive power of these elements of urban, rich in beauty, and often in history, not infrequently true works of art, always sources of artistic inspiration.
Edoardo Vianello, singer and songwriter of popular music, lover of his city and his art, he is passionate about looking for all these fountains, some of which are hidden and almost unattainable for them personal, shoot and create a unique collection that no other can claim.
In this series Vianello provides its photographic heritage and research with the publication of a series of digital volumes, pooling fountains districts and neighborhoods and creating itineraries that allow those who share this same passion to go see them in person.
The first publication includes the seven districts : Monti, Trevi, Colonna, Campomarzio, Ponte, Parione e Regola.